Funding fashion | A Q&A session with Keitumetse Lekaba

Ask The Business Doctor your specific fashion business capital questions

Thanks again for your patience if you joined the original scheduled call on August 30th at 3 PM SAST. We’ve settled a new date & time: September 6th, 4 PM, and we hope you will be able to join us. Registration has been reopened, but only until the afternoon of Friday 1st September to keep the session intimate and allow as much time as possible for individual answers.

Hi fashion pros,

African fashion businesses face a number of challenges, including securing growth funding. While tricky market factors and a less-than-stellar perception of creative industry businesses in the world of finance both contribute to the issue, fashion entrepreneurs often do as well — with mistakes from inexperience, noncompliant records and bad money habits that make businesses unattractive for investment. Together, these external and internal factors keep many fashion businesses from reaching their full potential.

If you're ready to face these issues head on, Keitumetse Lekaba, aka The Business Doctor, is here to help with a FREE hour of her time and expertise.

About The Business Doctor:

Keitumetse Lekaba is the Managing Director of I AM AN ENTREPRENEUR, where she uses her 15 years of experience implementing Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) Programmes for companies like Coca Cola Beverages SA, Sasol, SA Tourism and Telkom to help SMMEs grow.

Keitumetse’s professional journey has been focused on Tax Compliance, Finance, Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD), SMME Funding and Strategy. She’s currently an MBA candidate at GIBS and is also a speaker, masterclass host and Guest Lecturer at the University of Johannesburg's Centre of Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is the heartbeat of our economy and Keitumetse’s passion for it comes alive in using the insights and lessons learnt throughout her journey to ensure long-term economic viability for an inclusive, steady and sustained entrepreneurial eco-system.

Ready to look business finance in the eye? Register for the Funding Fashion Q&A today.

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